Hericium cirrhatum (Pers.) Nikol.

( =Creolophus cirrhatus, Drydon cirrhatus)

Fruit body: carpophor is bracket-like, widely attached to surface, up to 30 cm wide, made of several merged caps (up to 10 cm long), irregular margin, yellowish-white. Hymenophor is covered with spikes up to 1.5 cm.

Microscopy: spores ellipsoid to globose, smooth, amyloid, 3.5-4.5x3-3.5 µm

Flesh: soft, whitish, when dried has orange shades, without distinct smell and sweetish taste.

Habitat: season summer and autumn, on stumps and deadwood of deciduous trees.

Edibility: young fruitbodies are edible.

Reference: Uzelac, B. (2009). Gljive Srbije i zapadnog Balkana, BGV Logik, Beograd.

Photo: Goran Milošević